School. Is it necessary?
Is it reasonable, is it practical?
What does a ten year old get from learning about non-real numbers
That exist in a world of their own?
Will algebra help me fry an egg?
Will knowing that E=mc2 get me to the supermarket any faster?
Will learning about Social Darwinism really help me find my soul mate?
But the question remains.
School. Is it necessary?
Is it reasonable, is it practical?
Does a sixteen year old teenager really care whether he is preached evolution or creationism,
When all he can think about is reproduction-ism?
270 days of the year, give or take
1600 hours, take or give
And for that matter, is it “taking a crap” so much as “giving a crap”?
These are the questions the school board can’t provide textbooks for!
So stop cutting the budget and start cutting to the cheese!
But really, at the end of the day
Who needs science, when we have cars, trains, airplanes?
Who needs math, when we have calculators?
Who needs literature, when we can express our happiness with a smiley face
And indicate our laughter with three letters?
Who needs history, when the new generation lives for today, and today only?
Is why this poem is due tomorrow.
This is a free verse poem that follows the thoughts of a teenager contemplating the value of school. He is ambivalent because he doesn't understand why school is so important but he is constantly told how significant a good education is. My theme is childhood and obviously school is a big part of that.
I tried to make the tone informal enough to fit the voice of a teenager and at the same time hint at a more serious issue being touched upon in the poem. The last 5 lines presented as open ended questions serve to suggest that although the boy questions the value of school, in the end he acknowledges the significance of a good education. There's a reason so many of our enlightened forefathers pushed for free education for all. The last 5 lines play at sarcasm.
There are really no poetic devices here, other than the repetition of "School. Is it necessary? Is it reasonable, is it practical?" In essence, the poem aims to poke fun at the reader and approach school in a different, refreshing perspective.
Funny little poem, very lighthearted. A social inquiry on the practicality of school, from a slacker's point of view. Quite original. Good job on the poem Orlando.
I really like this poem Orly! I thought it was very witty and very funny at times, and I found myself agreeing with most things that you mentioned in your poem. I like the creative way that you approached in describing school from a different perspective and I enjoyed reading it! Good job!
ReplyDelete=) (the smiley face you mentioned in your poem!)
wow Sam's comment hits the spot. As a teenager i can relate to questioning why it is i go to school. I liked the references you made to our generation and our minimalistic preferences to say things such as LOL, i'm glad that you got this point across as a reference as opposed to just saying it. Very Well Done!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a really good poem Orly I really enjoyed it. I thought that this poem was very light and funny and it was a really interesting angle in which to approach school. Really good job!
ReplyDeleteGreat poem and very original!! It is really surreal but at the same time, so true. It really asks (and slightly answers) the question of why school is needed. I like the line "1600 hours, take or give" and how you put take First because school takes from our time rather than giving us the time. Good job!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting poem Orlando! I found myself lol-ing, as you said, quite a bit throughout the poem. Sam's idea that it is from a slacker's point of view seems to fit this poem pretty well. I liked the repetition of lines in the poem, such as the "School. Is it necessary" line.
ReplyDeleteVery nice original and fresh poem!
Wow, I really loved this poem Orlando. I liked how sassy you were about school being unnecessary, you were humourous and kidding but serious. I liked your talking about students caring about "reproduction-ism", it made me laugh. Did you mean "cutting to the chase" instead of "cutting to the cheese"? I think Taking and giving are different, so Taking a **** and giving a **** would be different, no? Your talking about not needing history makes me laugh, as my book I'm reading for our novel assignment sort of gives an answer to it (Brave New World). You really dug deep for this poem and I like how you stayed one jump ahead of people who would argue your p.o.v. by having many supporting arguments.
ReplyDeleteHaha nice poem Orlando! I especially liked the ending, and your use of repetition in this poem was very effective. I also really liked the line "So stop cutting the budget and start cutting to the cheese!"-- very witty. Another great line "And indicate our laughter with three letters?" -- so true! Oh, and here's another great line "take or give
ReplyDeleteAnd for that matter, is it “taking a crap” so much as “giving a crap”?"
Amazing poem Orlando, I am speechless :)
Great poem. I love how witty and satirical it is. I like how most of the things said in the poem, young people can agree with. You truly spoke in poem form what many people think. Amazing job!
ReplyDeleteGreat poem! I like how smartly funny it is! However, humour aside, this poem has ideas that are quite thoughtful. I really like some of the literary devices you used, especially the 4th stanza!
ReplyDeleteReally nice poem Orlando! I like the fresh perspective you brought to this, and the way it really makes you think. Awesome work!
ReplyDeletethis is adorable!
ReplyDeleteI love how you managed to add in all the modern day terms and habits of the teenager into your poem
It has nice flow, and pokes fun at society
great job!!
This was a very lighthearted poem with so many things to relate to. I enjoyed the line, " And for that matter, is it “taking a crap” so much as “giving a crap”?" I think its great how modern terms are used in the poem. Each line was very cleverly thought out, and the messages about school, and it being unnecessary im sure would intrigue any child/ teenager any day! amazing job chums!
ReplyDeleteA lot of people have commented on this poem but I think it's because it really relates to us and our thought process! As I was reading it I agreed with the voice and then as you started to point out the idiocies of our thoughts with the part about who needs math when we have calculators, it really impacted me. I like the light-hearted voice as a way to talk about something more serious, as you mentioned. I really love this poem, fantastic job!